Sunday, January 23, 2011

Stepping Stones to Apocalypse

On this very day five years ago, the United Statehood of America was declared a nation. And, it has been five years since the Informed Citizen Amendment and the Civic Responsibility Amendment was added to the restored Constitution. No one could have guessed the United States-- the greatest world power ever known-- could have fallen so quickly and so thoroughly, only to rise again, renewed, as it stands today the most fair and democratic civilization to ever be realized in the history of mankind. The United States of America that once held the national symbol of the Eagle, that Eagle has been reborn as the Phoenix in our newly formed nation, United Statehood of America.

This is the only nation ever known where every person is eligible for citizenship and in which every citizen can be found participating in every election national and local; a nation where the meaning of the word poverty might have well have been forgotten; a nation of the highest level of education has ever known to exist in a population, where every citizen has guaranteed the right to an education unrestrained by financial circumstance. This is a nation where every citizen is guaranteed the opportunity to rise to be among the wealthiest of the world, a fully democratic nation made incorruptible through the design of the most enlightened and seasoned citizenry to ever attempt governmental design.

As the United statehood of America is a freshly formed nation forged from the decayed ashes of the catastrophic mistakes of the Empire of the United States of America, today is a day to remember and reflect upon the events that have led to this point of rebirth, fated this recent pinnacle of nation building we all have tremendous cause to celebrate. To reflect upon events that brought the darkest of times to the brightest of empires, is to shed light, the illumination of what we have to be grateful for.

Year 2020 is marked by the complete privatization of the Empire of the United States military. A blind and ignorant population of pseudo-citizenry in the old America finally caves under push and pull of economic forces coupled with half truth driven propaganda orchestrated by a burgeoning oligarchic power center. Under the doctrine of small government and privatized efficiency, a once considered Democratic nation gives up its last remnant of real executive power. Black water--the leading vendor of corporate sponsored warfare--officially takes control of the entire United States security and military. The president is then stripped of all meaningful authority.

Year 2022 is marked by the end of all government regulation, also known as the peak of the "deconstruction" era. Shortly after the rushed deregulation act is pushed through Congress (presumably at great pressure by the newly cemented Blackwater executive), the Empire of the United States Congress declares bankruptcy. All money and funding from the national government stops. The legal system collapses. Without any way to pay state-funded law enforcement, the "Great Riots" break out. The Black water forces that had promised to be responsible for keeping the peace in times of emergency do nothing to intervene in the massive looting and chaos. Although there is much debate on their direct involvement in inciting the riots, many eye witness accounts corroborate huge numbers of Blackwater forces found in the suddenly erected decadent compounds guarding the richest of Americans.

Year 2023 after one full year of rioting the Empire of the United States of America becomes fully incorporated all government function bought out and privatized. Law and Order is immediately restored by Blackwater securities after the sale of the last share of corporate Empire of the United States of America stock. The Constitution is amended, giving corporations’ super-citizenship status, allowing corporations to act as sovereign bodies having legal authority over the property they own and the subjects contained within that property. This time is often referred to now as the “false hope” year, the brief period America seemed to be restored to normality. Not even before a full year passes before economy begins its renewed descent.

Year 2025, unemployment reaches 80%, marking the total collapse of the labor market. Automation and technology make unskilled in semi-skilled labor worker obsolete. Poverty plummets to record lows dwarfing the “Great Depression” in scope and impact. The first phase of what is abbreviated as the “purging” is enacted. "Work" camps are put up all across the country. The hungry and disenfranchised are lured to these camps by the millions with promises of food and jobs, isolated from the rest of the world in remote inhospitable locations.

Year 2026, over 30% of all newborns are severely afflicted by one or more of the following: deformities, mental illness, and mental retardation. Deregulation of pollution and the extraction of natural resources have led to the contamination of all ground water. Untested industrial agents permeate the entire environment as all checks and testing to their use is eliminated. It has been recently estimated, clean up will need to go on an additional 200 years at the current rate before environmental contamination levels return to their pre-deconstruction amounts.

Year 2028 March 22, the edict is passed down. Lists of names are sent out. Everyone on the lists is given the technocrat classification after they are genetically IDed and registered in the database. Everyone on the lists are asked to give referrals by written recommendation to any not yet called that should be considered for technocratic status. New lists are passed down. The process repeats five times. The final warning to be classified and IDed goes out on July 17th. Two weeks later Swarms of Blackwater security forces descend upon every corner of American civilization and take away all persons not identifiable as technocratic. It is presumed by the later found physical evidence that the Blackwater security forces and the large chunk of population they took with them were sent to the ever-growing militarized “work” camps. This is often referred to as phase two of the “purging”.

Year 2033, the American Automatic Homeland Defense Security System or AAHDSS becomes active. “Work” camps are last seen to any living eyes as momentary bright spots on the distant horizon. Recovered infrared video footage from the un-maned automated defense air unit "Firebird’s" output video stream shows hundreds of square miles reaching upwards of 2000°C by way of its weapons systems. The human component to Blackwater securities is thought to have been completely eliminated in what is called phase three of the “purging.”

Year 2036, Technocrats hack the AAHDSS to reveal threats of imminent nanobot attacks to themselves through intercepting radio commands that target everyone on the technocratic genetic ID database with the ruling class using the database as a kill list. Technocrats crack the AAHDSS remote and turn AAHDSS against its former controllers before they are all successfully assassinated. The summary of these events is known as phase four or the final phase of the “purging.”

Year 2036, All corporate entities are dismantled and stripped of all legal entitlements. A new constitution is written and ratified declaring the birth of a new nation to be called the United Statehood of America. This constitution based largely upon its predecessor but has key differences enacted to deter its nation from befalling a fate similar to its predecessor.

The Informed Citizen Amendment is meant to serve as a safeguard to reinstitution of oligarchic control:

Informed Citizenship Amendment

1. In order to conduct ones’ self legally in all affairs regarding government and commerce without restrictions all persons must be active and registered citizens.

2. To be regarded as an active citizen one must remain informed and participatory in national and local government to be defined reasonably by national and state governments respectively. Any non-citizen able to demonstrate the ability of informed participation will be declared a citizen and given active status upon the citizens’ participation in the next government election.

3. All non-citizens under the age of 18 should be considered dependents under law. All non-citizens over the age of 18 shall be considered deviant under law. All citizens found to be inactive shall be considered truant under law.

4. The state is required to provide the most reasonably convenient circumstances for all citizens and potential citizens to participate in governance and achieve active citizenship status. Anybody of government found to be ineffective in this regard shall be considered negligent and impeachable. Impeachment can be carried out by any significant complaint by citizens and/or non-citizens. It is state’s highest priority to ensure the education and participation of its present and future constituency.

The Civic Responsibility Amendment is meant to channel the excesses of greed to the constructive purposes of raising the standard of living of the whole of society:

Civic Responsibility Amendment

1. Any citizen having income excessive of a comfortable lifestyle shall be given responsibility to actively and successfully elevate the lowest persons in regard of standard of living to a meaningful degree relative to their means and abilities. If such citizen as having income excessive of a comfortable lifestyle neglects this lawfully entitled duty it is a state’s right and duty to deny them of their citizenship.

2. Any citizen found to seek and gain by causing harm and hazard to the public and can be proven to be creating an overall negative effect to society or environment shall be considered negligent and it is the state’s right and duty to deny them of their citizenship.

While the pitfalls of this newly constructed nation have surely yet to be realized, it is with great pride that this author maintains his own concept of civic responsibility and informed citizenship, to do his part in the assurance of a future nation worth living in.